for cambridge photography students to post digital photos and get feedback
very cool love the light bulb, great comp, and contrast.
contrast is good definate black and white. not so sure if i like the angle, subject matter confuses me.
its difficult to get good contrast on digi. but this looks good. -joolie
The contrast of this picture is realy nice.. I am not a big fan of black and white digital though
good tonal range and i dont know what ur confused about hannah its pretty self explanitory and the title helps alot
hey mathew! there isnt a title
no way there was one i swear
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very cool love the light bulb, great comp, and contrast.
contrast is good definate black and white. not so sure if i like the angle, subject matter confuses me.
its difficult to get good contrast on digi. but this looks good.
The contrast of this picture is realy nice.. I am not a big fan of black and white digital though
good tonal range and i dont know what ur confused about hannah its pretty self explanitory and the title helps alot
hey mathew! there isnt a title
no way there was one i swear
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